What Is Hell Like? (Qty: 25)

Choate, J.C.

There is much misunderstanding and unbelief regarding. This tract warns us against this terrible place.

What Is Conversion? (Qty: 25)

Choate, J.C.

What does God say about conversion? There are many different churches that strive to fill different needs. This tract addresses what true conversion is and how one can truly be converted.

Two Covenants (Qty: 25)

Choate, J.C.

One of the greatest religious misunderstandings is the relationship of the two covenants. Many try to live under two covenants. We are now under a new covenant. This tract clearly distinguishes between the two.

Tragedy of Apostasy, The (Qty: 25)

Choate, J.C.

One of Satan’s greatest weapons to deceive people is the myriad of religious teachings that one encounters in the modern world. This tract encourages one to simply go back to the Bible and restore the New Testament church.

Thief on the Cross, The (Qty: 25)

Choate, J.C.

The thief who died on the cross beside Jesus is often used as proof that one does not have to be baptized in order to be saved. This tract shows the fallacy of such an argument and closes with the scriptural plan of salvation.