New Testament Church is Divine in Name, The (Qty: 25)

Rushmore, Louis

This world contains many names for churches but is this biblical? This tract gives the biblical names for the church which are really descriptive terms and the biblical names for the members of the church.

Million Dollar Bill

Rushmore, Louis

The Million Dollar Bill tract is the easiest piece of Gospel literature to give away; anyone can do it, and nearly everyone to whom it is given will not only accept it but thank the giver for it.

Job’s Journey to Know God

Rushmore, Louis

A concise study of the Book of Job plus an emphasis on unique biblical lessons. 16 Chapters. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

James: Everyday Living for Christ

Rushmore, Louis

James: Everyday Living for Christ emphasizes the definition of Greek words behind the English words in our translations of the Book of James. Thereby, one can realize the fuller meaning and ramification of the message by the inspired penman. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Digging Up the Past

Rushmore, Louis

The format for Digging Up the Past is a discussion of the various topics regarding Bible archaeology, followed by questions, which makes it an excellent, faith-building class book for youth and adult studies. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Cost of Discipleship, The

Rushmore, Louis

The Cost of Discipleship is a motivational study for Christians in 13 chapters. Thought questions conclude each chapter. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.