Restoring Evangelistic Phenomenon

Dickson, Roger

The book is a pleasure to read and an inspiration to “Go and do thou likewise.” Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Grouped In Groups

Dickson, Roger

Having been a part of group evangelism in Brazil, brother Dickson writes Grouped in Groups from the standpoint of experience as well as careful study of the subject. His book is one of the few on the market dealing with team efforts in the mission field. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Dawn of Belief, The

Dickson, Roger

We are living in an age of unbelief. Evolution is promoted as a fact. This book will add supportive evidence to your belief in the God of the Bible. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Caribbean Missionary Pilot

Dickson, Roger

In 1980, Roger and Martha Dickson founded the International School of Biblical Studies in the West Indies, after having done missionary work in Brazil for several years, beginning in 1974. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.


Dickson, Roger

An important little book you can carry in your purse or pocket, providing important answers and explanations concerning this vital subject. Chapters include: “The Blood of Jesus,” “Baptism and Church History” and “Baptism into a Covenant Relationship.” Using this product for Outreach purposes? Purchase a minimum of 10 copies for $1.50 each plus shipping and handling.

African Missionary Pilot

Dickson, Roger

As in the Caribbean, Roger took a plane to Africa to enable him to quickly and inexpensively travel throughout much of the continent to conduct seminars and meetings. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.