Basic Bible Lessons

Baird, O.P.

With sensitivity and clarity, brother Baird has put together this book of lessons, designed to instruct the person who is not yet a member of the Lord’s church, and also excellent for use in classroom situations.  In this age of spiritual illiteracy, even among those who call themselves Christians, such basic studies are essential, if we want to draw God’s people back to the “old paths.”  Brother Baird begins with an overview of the cannon and versions of the Scriptures, then he goes on to show the beauty of the Christian way.  He deals with The Saving Principle; Obedience; Living the New Life; Can One Be Saved Outside the Church?; Basis for Unity in the Body of Christ; The Organization of the Church; The Last Will and Testament of Jesus in twenty-three chapters. For customers using this title for evangelistic outreach, enter the code OUTREACH5 to reduce orders of 10 or more to $1.50 each plus shipping & handling. This is at or near our cost!