From Creation Until Now
Shirt-pocket size, saddle-stapled booklet. Full-color cover. Without naming world religions or denominations, it leads the reader from creation through the present regarding biblical history. From acknowledgement of the existence of God from observing the created universe (Rom. 1:18ff), the reader then is acquainted with inspired revelation that God periodically gave to humanity: Patriarchy, Judaism and Christianity. Since everyone now living or who shall ever live henceforth will live under Christianity, this covenant between God and man is emphasized. This booklet is intended to acquaint someone from another world religion with God and His holy Word. However, it is a good short course on human and religious history from creation to the present. Beyond that, many Americans need to be reminded of the relationship between our Creator God and creation as well as that God has provided special revelation about Himself and what He requires of us and what blessings He reserves for us, too. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.