Preaching the Whole Counsel of God to the Whole World, Vol. 6
Volume 6 emphasizes evangelism, sin, miracles, Bible characters, biblical texts, and death and funerals in 76 full-sentence sermons. Published 2024, 390 pages
Volume 6 emphasizes evangelism, sin, miracles, Bible characters, biblical texts, and death and funerals in 76 full-sentence sermons. Published 2024, 390 pages
Preaching the Whole Counsel of God to the Whole World, 6 volume set. Hundreds of full-sentence sermon outlines with ample biblical documentation.
Preaching the Whole Counsel of God to the Whole World, Vol. 5 has 72 full-sentence sermon outlines. They appear in the sections, “Salvation,” “Home,” “Love” and “Miscellaneous.” Each lesson has ample Scripture citations. Discounts: Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.
Preaching the Whole Counsel of God to the Whole World, Vol. 4 has 85 full-sentence sermon outlines. They appear in the sections, “The Home,” “Christian Living” and “Christian Service.” Each lesson has ample Scripture citations. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.
One of the greatest misunderstandings in the religious world is the confusion between the Old and New Testaments. Many think that since God wrote the entire Bible it does not matter to which testament we turn.
This tract clearly answers one of the most divisive issues in the church today. The New Testament authorizes only singing and the early church did not use the instruments. Instruments were not used until centuries after the establishment of the church.
This is a short discussion of the question of whether a Christian can drink alcoholic beverages. A fuller discussion of this question can be obtained in a book entitled Beverage Alcohol.
This tract contains a basic listing of many foundational truths concerning the one true church as revealed in Scripture. It also contains a short chart detailing the founding of some common denominations.
This world contains many ideas about the origin of the church. However, the church of the Bible originated in the mind of God and was established by God. This tract is a good discussion of the divine origin of the church.