Secret To Waking Up the Pew Potatoes, The

Wilson, John

The Secret to Waking Up the Pew Potatoes is designed to double or even triple the attendance in the church assembly in just a few months.  Every member is empowered to do what he/she can for church growth.  From the very young to the elderly, everyone is given a simple task to accomplish.  This doesn’t overwork anyone, and everyone rejoices together as the numbers increase.  This step-by-step system is designed to help older established congregations, who have stopped growing, to re-ignite their passion for lost souls.  Putting the concept to work generates an endless supply of contacts for Bible studies and resurrects what is often a near-dead congregation! Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.