Give Us This Bread (paper)

Hobby, Georgia

Beginning in 1936, Alvin and Georgia served as missionaries in Zambia for virtually their entire lives until their retirement.  They taught school, operated a clinic, assisted with a local translation of the Scriptures and engaged in many other activities.  This book gives us a glimpse of the heart and soul of Zambia, the people, the missionaries and the influence Christianity is having on them.  “At the time we arrived at the mission, I was twenty-two years old, Alvin was twenty-eight, and Mrs. Rowe forty-two.  So she was like a mother to me, and a more ingenious, self-sufficient co-worker I couldn’t have had.  It seemed that she would take whatever she had at hand and turn it into something useful.  We were able to obtain plyboard tea boxes and other wooden boxes from the store in town, and so Alvin and Mrs. Rowe made crude, temporary furniture from these.  I had never had my own house before, and improvising furniture from packing cases and plyboard tea boxes was fun.” (From Give Us This Bread) Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

They Called Him Muluti

Hobby, Georgia

Muluti means “teacher” in Tonga, the language of Zambia. This is the true story of the life of Alvin Hobby, written by his wife Georgia Hobby. Every Christian would be benefited and blessed by reading the pages that follow. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.