What Does Prayer Accomplish? (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

The Bible teaches that prayer is a powerful tool but Christians often do not use it correctly. This tract is an encouragement for Christians to pray and ends with some guidelines as to how one should pray.

True Science? It Follows a Known Path! (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

This tract shows that true science and the Bible do not disagree but actually evidences the truthfulness of the Bible. With all that science learns scientists are simply describing the wonders of God’s thinking.

Training in Obedience (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

In the world in which we live we find many different ideas about the proper way to raise a child. This tract gives six rules that worked very well for the author with her children.

Training a Child In Disobedience? (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

As parents we are training our children to be obedient or disobedient. Many times parents inadvertently train the child to be disobedient. This tract gives the correct training that a child should receive.

Teaching Our Children to Be Spiritual (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

Most Christian parents want more than anything for their children to grow up as devout servants of God but that can sometimes be very difficult. This tract gives some guidelines and suggestions to help develop true spirituality in our children.

Still Moments (Paper)

Choate, Betty

Poems about the family, for the family. You’ll want to share this one with others. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Still Moments (Cloth)

Choate, Betty

Poems about the family, for the family. You’ll want to share this one with others. Receive a 10% discount when purchasing 10-24 books of the same title. Receive a 25% discount when purchasing 25 or more books of the same title.

Soul and Its God, The (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

This tract expresses the almost universal acknowledgment of the human soul of the existence of God and the accompanying exhortation to study His Word so we can be saved.

Search for Truth

Choate, Betty

Andrew and Rachel begin the most important search of their lives — the search for understanding of spiritual truth. Their exciting story and discoveries can also transform the lives of seekers all over the world. Using this product for Outreach purposes? Purchase a minimum of 10 copies for $1.50 each plus shipping and handling.

Satan: Do You Recognize Him? (Qty: 25)

Choate, Betty

Satan appears dressed in a red suit with horns coming out his head and carrying a pitchfork. Right? This tract details some of the ways Satan appears today so we can recognize him.